The Ultimate Guide to Teaching English Abroad with TESOL/TESL/TEFL Certification

Teaching English as a foreign language is a rewarding and exciting profession that offers opportunities to explore new cultures, make a difference in students’ lives, and advance your personal and professional goals. Whether you are a recent graduate, a seasoned educator, or a career changer, you can benefit from obtaining a TESOL/TESL/TEFL certification that equips you with the knowledge, skills, and credentials to teach English abroad.

In this guide, we will explore the different aspects of teaching English abroad with TESOL/TESL/TEFL certification, including the certification programs, the requirements for teaching abroad, the job search process, tips for successful teaching, and resources for professional development. We will also provide references to informative articles by the International TEFL Academy and Oxford Seminars that can help you learn more about this field and make informed decisions about your career path.

The Ultimate Guide to Teaching English Abroad with TESOL/TESL/TEFL Certification

Understanding the Different TESOL/TESL/TEFL Certification Programs

Before embarking on your teaching journey, it is important to understand the different types of TESOL/TESL/TEFL certification programs and their characteristics. While all of these programs aim to prepare you for teaching English to non-native speakers, they differ in their focus, target audience, and accreditation.

TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) is a broad term that encompasses all aspects of English language teaching, including teaching English as a second language (ESL) or as a foreign language (EFL) in different contexts and settings. TESOL certification programs typically cover topics such as language acquisition, lesson planning, assessment, and teaching methodologies. The International TESOL Association offers a globally recognized TESOL certification that is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Education and Training (ACCET).

TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language) is a more specific term that refers to teaching English to non-native speakers who live in an English-speaking country. TESL certification programs focus on the unique challenges and opportunities of teaching English in a multicultural and multilingual environment, such as adapting to different accents, dialects, and cultures. The TESL Canada Federation offers a widely recognized TESL certification that is accredited by TESL Canada.

TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) is a term that refers to teaching English to non-native speakers who live in a non-English-speaking country. TEFL certification programs typically emphasize the cultural, social, and linguistic aspects of teaching English abroad, such as understanding local customs, beliefs, and values, and incorporating them into the classroom. The International TEFL Academy offers a highly regarded TEFL certification that is accredited by the College of Teachers.

CELTA (Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults) is a certification program that focuses on teaching English to adult learners in different contexts, such as universities, language schools, or private companies. CELTA certification programs are intensive and rigorous, and include supervised teaching practice, observation, and feedback. The University of Cambridge offers a globally recognized CELTA certification that is highly valued by employers worldwide.

DELTA (Diploma in English Language Teaching to Adults) is an advanced certification program that is designed for experienced teachers who wish to enhance their professional skills and knowledge. DELTA certification programs cover topics such as curriculum design, materials development, teacher training, and research. The University of Cambridge also offers a DELTA certification that is considered a prestigious qualification in the field of English language teaching.

It is important to note that while these certification programs differ in their focus and scope, they all aim to prepare you for teaching English abroad with confidence, competence, and professionalism. When choosing a certification program, consider your career goals, teaching preferences, and budget, and research the program’s reputation, accreditation, and job placement record. The International TEFL Academy offers a helpful blog post on TEFL, TESOL, TESL, CELTA, & DELTA that provides a comprehensive overview of the differences between these programs and their pros and cons

The Ultimate Guide to Teaching English Abroad with TESOL/TESL/TEFL Certification

    • Understanding the different TESOL/TESL/TEFL certification programs, including CELTA and DELTA.
    • Meeting the requirements for teaching English abroad, such as educational qualifications and language proficiency.
    • Tips for successful teaching abroad, including adjusting to a new culture and environment and creating engaging lesson plans.

The Ultimate Guide to Teaching English Abroad with TESOL/TESL/TEFL Certification

Meeting the Requirements for Teaching English Abroad with TESOL/TESL/TEFL Certification

In addition to obtaining a TESOL/TESL/TEFL certification, you may need to meet certain requirements to be eligible to teach English abroad. These requirements vary depending on the country, institution, and program you are applying to, but some common ones include:

    • Educational qualifications, such as a bachelor’s degree or teaching certificate
    • Language proficiency, such as a minimum score on an English proficiency test or fluency in a foreign language
    • Teaching experience, such as previous ESL/EFL teaching experience or training
    • Work permits and visa requirements, such as obtaining a work visa or residence permit in the host country

It is important to research the requirements of the country and institution you are interested in teaching in, and to ensure that you meet them before applying. Some programs may also require additional certifications, such as first aid or child protection, or may prefer candidates with specific skills or experience, such as teaching young learners or business English.

The Ultimate Guide to Teaching English Abroad with TESOL/TESL/TEFL Certification

Preparing for the Job Search with TESOL/TESL/TEFL Certification

Once you have obtained a TESOL/TESL/TEFL certification and met the other requirements for teaching abroad, you can start preparing for the job search process. This process involves researching potential employers, crafting a strong resume and cover letter, preparing for interviews and demo lessons, and negotiating salary and benefits.

When researching potential employers, consider factors such as their reputation, requirements, benefits, and location. Some common types of employers for English language teachers abroad include international schools, language centers, private tutoring companies, and government programs. The International TEFL Academy offers a helpful blog post on teaching abroad job markets that provides insights into the job markets of different countries and regions, and tips for finding job openings and applying for them.

When crafting your resume and cover letter, highlight your relevant skills, experience, and achievements, and tailor them to the specific requirements and preferences of the employer. Some common skills and qualities that employers look for in English language teachers include adaptability, creativity, communication, and cultural sensitivity. The Oxford Seminars website offers a resume guide that provides tips and examples of resume and cover letter formats, as well as dos and don’ts of job applications.

When preparing for interviews and demo lessons, research common interview questions, such as your teaching philosophy, classroom management strategies, and assessment methods, and practice answering them with a friend or a mentor. You may also want to prepare a demo lesson that showcases your teaching style, materials, and techniques, and that caters to the needs and interests of the students. The International TEFL Academy offers a job search guidance that provides tips and strategies for acing interviews and demo lessons, as well as negotiating salary and benefits.

When negotiating salary and benefits, know your market value, ask for a fair compensation package, and consider non-monetary perks, such as housing, airfare, insurance, or professional development opportunities. Some employers may also offer bonuses, performance incentives, or paid vacation time. The Oxford Seminars website offers a salary guide that provides insights into the average salaries and benefits of English language teachers in different countries and regions, as well as factors that affect their compensation.

The Ultimate Guide to Teaching English Abroad with TESOL/TESL/TEFL Certification

Tips for Successful Teaching English Abroad with TESOL/TESL/TEFL Certification

Teaching English abroad with TESOL/TESL/TEFL certification can be a challenging and rewarding experience that requires adaptability, creativity, and cultural sensitivity. Here are some tips for successful teaching abroad:

    • Adjusting to a new culture and environment, such as learning local customs, etiquette, and language, and adapting to different teaching styles and expectations
    • Creating engaging lesson plans that cater to students’ needs and interests, and using a variety of teaching techniques, materials, and technologies
    • Building relationships with students and colleagues, such as fostering a positive classroom environment, providing constructive feedback, and collaborating with other teachers and staff
    • Dealing with challenges and overcoming cultural barriers, such as managing classroom behavior, addressing language barriers, or seeking professional support and guidance

It is also important to take care of your physical and mental health while teaching abroad, and to balance your work and personal life. Some common challenges that English language teachers abroad may face include homesickness, culture shock, burnout, or isolation. The International TEFL Academy offers a culture shock guide that provides tips and strategies for dealing with culture shock, as well as other resources for staying healthy and happy while teaching abroad.

Case Study: Emily’s Experience Teaching English in Japan

Emily always had a passion for travel and a love for teaching. After completing her bachelor’s degree in English literature, she decided to combine her interests and pursue a career in teaching English abroad. She knew that having a TESOL certification would open up more opportunities for her, so she enrolled in a reputable TESOL program.

Once Emily completed her TESOL certification, she set her sights on Japan. She had always been fascinated by Japanese culture and wanted to immerse herself in the country’s rich history and traditions. Emily researched potential employers and found a position at a language center in Tokyo that aligned with her career goals.

As she prepared for the job search, Emily meticulously crafted her resume and cover letter, highlighting her relevant skills and teaching experience. She also practiced her interview skills and created a portfolio of engaging lesson plans to showcase her teaching style. Emily understood the importance of negotiating salary and benefits, so she researched the average compensation package for English teachers in Japan and confidently advocated for fair compensation.

When Emily arrived in Japan, she faced the challenges of adjusting to a new culture and environment. She took the time to learn about local customs, etiquette, and language, which helped her connect with her students on a deeper level. Emily’s engaging lesson plans, tailored to her students’ needs and interests, made her classes enjoyable and effective. She also built strong relationships with her colleagues, collaborating on lesson ideas and sharing best practices.

Of course, Emily encountered some challenges along the way. Managing classroom behavior and addressing language barriers required patience and creativity. However, Emily sought support from her colleagues and attended professional development workshops to further enhance her teaching skills. With time and experience, she overcame these obstacles and built a successful teaching career in Japan.

Emily’s experience teaching English in Japan has been incredibly rewarding. She has made a positive impact on her students’ lives, helping them develop their language skills and fostering their love for learning. Immersed in the local culture, Emily has gained cross-cultural competence and a deeper understanding of Japanese society. Teaching English abroad with her TESOL certification has not only fulfilled her love for travel and teaching but has also opened doors to new personal and professional opportunities.

Emily encourages others to pursue a career in teaching English abroad with a TESOL certification. She believes that this profession allows individuals to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others while also gaining valuable skills and experiences. Teaching English abroad with a TESOL certification is an adventure that offers personal growth, cultural immersion, and the chance to create lasting connections across the globe.

Resources for Teaching English Abroad with TESOL/TESL/TEFL Certification

Teaching English abroad with TESOL/TESL/TEFL certification can offer many opportunities for professional growth, cultural exchange, and personal fulfillment. Here are some resources that can help you enhance your skills, knowledge, and credentials:

    • Online teaching resources and communities, such as ESL/EFL teaching blogs, forums, or webinars, and using them for inspiration, feedback, and networking
    • Professional development opportunities, such as attending workshops, conferences, or advanced certification courses, and enhancing your teaching skills, knowledge, and credentials
    • Networking and job placement services, such as connecting with local recruiters, job boards, or alumni networks, and using them to find job openings, referrals, or mentorship

It is also important to stay informed about the latest trends, developments, and challenges in the field of English language teaching, and to contribute to the ongoing dialogue and research. The International TEFL Academy offers a blog that features articles, interviews, and resources on various topics related to teaching English abroad, as well as a research page that provides access to academic papers, reports, and studies.


Teaching English abroad with TESOL/TESL/TEFL certification can be a life-changing experience that offers opportunities for personal and professional growth, cultural exchange, and making a positive impact on the world. This guide has provided an overview of the different aspects of teaching English abroad with TESOL/TESL/TEFL certification, and has offered tips, resources, and references for further exploration and learning. We encourage you to pursue this rewarding and meaningful profession, and to embrace the opportunities and challenges that it presents.
